Elektrische Fahrtragen > Vivera Monobloc
Vivera Monobloc
Der elektrische Monobloc bietet eine kompakte und einfache Lösung für den Transport von alltäglichen bis hin zu bariatrischen Patienten
Woran arbeiten wir?
Laufende Jobs
- Quick guide video of Vivera Monobloc M301 (video file)
- Accessories compatibility table (pdf file)
- Specification sheet for each accessory (pdf files)
- Quick guide video for Clinic Extero (video file)
- New business cards
- Product sheets in other languages (pdf files)
- Labels for PNX Vivera stretcher (printing data)
Jobs in der Warteschlange
- New marketing items (pens, bags, document folders etc.)
- B2B portal
- Websites in Polish language
- Company description
Neueste Marketingmaterialien
Abgeschlossene Jobs
- Product Catalogue 2022 (saved on dropbox)
- Websites optimised for mobile devices
- Product sheets in English (saved on dropbox & uploaded to websites)
- Product pictures on websites updated